Kraftka: The Sneakers Brand That Lets You Design Your Own Sneakers
Kraftka is a Bangkok-based sneaker startup and the world’s first “crowd-created” sneaker brand. Their concept is to empower everyone to create their own sneaker designs, and to set their own trends and push the boundaries of a traditional sneaker brand, away from mass production.
It all starts with plain white sneakers. From there, basically no limitations apply design-wise. You may put whatever you like on your shoes: photos, illustrations, or text. Those designs are then printed in super-high definition on the plain shoe.
The shoes are produced in China and customized in Thailand. Their production process is committed to 0 waste and 0 footprint. Each pair is produced only when sold, and made with environmental friendly inks and processes.

Once you have created you own design, you can not only order it for yourself – you can also list it in Kraftka’s online shop and collect 10$ kick-back of each pair sold.
Alternatively, if you are not feeling creative, you can choose from existing designs of artists from all around the world, including some of Thailand's very own. There are 11 designs by cartoonist Puck, 2 designs by Electro-Funk artist Gramaphone Children, as well as 2 designs by street artist and painter Benzilla. Currently, there are close to 400 designs available in their online shop.

A pair costs 2,990 Baht ($89 Dollars). Available sizes range from 5.5 to 13.5 (US).
If you we got you curious and you fancy getting a closer look at the shoes in real-life, then there is a chance to do so at their temporary location, on the second floor of Siam Center, until 15th October.